
A Commitment to Openness and Engagement

Transparency isn't just a principle for me; it's a practice. As your MEP, I vow to embody the transparency and openness you deserve, ensuring you're informed and involved every step of the way. Here's how I'll do this:

Clear on Contributions: 

I promise to always be transparent about where and how every euro of contributions is spent. You'll see exactly how your support is helping our journey together.

Monthly Meetings: 

Engagement is key. That's why I plan to host regular monthly meetings to walk you through my parliamentary actions, decisions, and how they impact you. These sessions are not just updates but an open forum for you to ask questions, express concerns, and offer suggestions.


I will always be approachable, and encourage you to reach out with your concerns, ideas, or just to chat about how we can make Dublin - and Europe - a better place for your and your families. I am committed to making myself available to you.

If I am elected, my job as your MEP will take me between Dublin, my home in Berlin, and Europe for Parliament meetings. I want you to know that being available for you, hearing your concerns directly, and meeting face to face are top priorities for me.

Even when I'm in Europe, I'll make sure to keep in touch, using online tools to chat and meet. And when I'm back home or in Dublin, I'll be out and about, ready to listen and talk.

Demystifying Europe

The workings of the EU and its Parliament should not be a mystery. I pledge to pull back the curtain, offering insights into processes, decisions, and how taxpayer money is utilised. Through regular updates and informative sessions, I aim to make Europe's institutions more accessible to everyone.

Youth Engagement and Internships: 

At risk of sounding like that classic episode of The Simpsons - "Children are our future"...but it's true! And having an understanding of Europe's functions is absolutely crucial. I am passionate about offering internship opportunities to people from both Dublin and Berlin, providing a hands-on experience of the EU's inner workings. This initiative will be designed to inspire and educate the next generation, making the EU's institutions more accessible.

This transparency pledge is not just about keeping you informed; it's about fostering a relationship based on trust, mutual respect, and shared goals. Together, we can ensure that the voice of Dublin is heard loud and clear in Europe - with clarity and transparency leading the way.

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